08 March 2011

Happy International Women's Day

Today is International Women's Day. In pondering how to honor such a day, I've decided to share with you a poem I wrote months ago.

I don't consider myself a poet, but I was doing a creative writing exercise in which you were supposed to imagine your mind like water. I wrote a few paragraphs, and, after rereading them, I felt it would sound best reformed into a poem. My dear audience, I need a break from DIY posts, so I've decided to share this poem with you. I'm no Robert Frost or Walt Whitman, but it doesn't hurt to try!

She Continues On

Cool river deep in the woods
Constantly flowing
Never stopping
Journeying through her woods
Impeded by nothing
She continues on

Born high in the mountain
Daughter of a once great glacier
Forging her way through mountain valleys
The world stretched in front of her
She continues on

Her woods depend on her
Bowing at her banks
Dry, desperate tongues praying at her altar
Bodies submerging in her cool relief
She continues on

She never lingers
She never looks back
She does not understand regret
She feels no shame
She offers no apologies, no excuses
She continues on

I hope that everyone woman finds something in her world to help her realize how important she is to everyone around her and how strong she truly is. Thank you to all the women in my life, especially my mother, who supports me in everything I do (including writing mediocre poetry!).


  1. Mediocre poetry NOT! This is lovely.

  2. Mofey that was great I loved it. Especially the last stanza
